Signs of the Seasons

Signs of the seasons, Feb 7, 2012, acrylic on canvas, 66 x 66 cm

This is a painting that continues the series of the Four Seasons. The four quadrants represent the cycle of seasons beginning with Winter in the upper left and continuing clockwise with Spring, Summer and Autumn.

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The Vessel

The Vessel, Jan 17,2012,coloured pencil on paper, 56 x 76 cm

The drawing is an image of an earthen ware jug with verses inscribed into the paper surface.  The verses, in English translation,are from the Qur’an and the meaning of the word vessel is used in the context of each verse.  



He has created man out of sounding clay, like pottery. ( Chapter, Ar – Rahman or The Beneficent,verse 14) But him We bore on that vessel made of planks and nails. (Chapter, Al Qamar or The Moon, verse 13) And, indeed, We have caused such floating vessels to remain forever a sign of Our Grace unto mankind: who,then, is willing to take it to heart ? ( Al Qamar, verse 15)
And they will be waited upon with vessels of silver and goblets that will (seem to) be crystal. (Al Insan or The Mankind, verse 15)
..with goblets, and ewers, and cups filled with water from unsullied springs. (Al – Waqi’a or the Event or The Inevitable, verse, 18)
Coloured pencil drawing on paper, 56 x 76 cm (detail of clay jug)


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Studio Light

Studio Light, Dec 23, 2011, pencil drawing, 77 x 111.5cm

Detail of image

This drawing is another version of the Studio Light images. It is a coloured pencil drawing with incising into the paper surface similar to the technique used in the Ninety Nine Signs drawings and paintings.
The selection of objects for this still life are ones that have been used in previous art works. The salt jar with a spoon, the comb and marbles in jars and the light bulb are all objects that represent ideas seen in earlier works
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The Seasons




Click on image to enlarge

The four drawings represent the seasons of winter, spring, summer and autumn. The drawings seen together form a circle which is subdivided into four quadrants. The drawing is a study for a painting. This image is a continuation of the idea which is also seen in an earlier painting shown below installed in an exhibition at Trajectory Gallery.

The Four Seasons, 4 canvas panels, each 152.4 x 152.4 cm

The final painting shown below, each canvas panel is  61 cm x 61 cm

Winter Spring Summer Autumn, Oct 24, 2011, acrylic on canvas


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The Moon

Eclipse, Aug 12, 2010, drawing, 21.5 x 27.9 cm

Eclipse, Aug 12, 2010, pencil drawing, 21.5 x 27.9 cm

Eclipse, Aug 19, 2010, drawing, 21.5 x 27.9 cm

Eclipse, Aug 19, 2010, pencil drawing, 21.5 x 27.9 cm

Study for Blackfriars Bridge, London 1958, Aug 29,2009, pencil drawing, 21.5 x 27.9 cm

Study for Blackfriars Bridge, London 1958, Aug 29, 2009, pencil drawing, 21.5 x 27.9 cm

There are several images where the moon in the sky or depicted with a river is used as a subject . The mural size, mixed media drawing shown below left is an earlier example depicting the moon with a river and embankment. This drawing shows a prominent linear element using calligraphic mark making to create movement and direction. This gestural aspect of the drawing is a kind of planned spontaneity structured around a asymmetrical composition reminiscent of Japanese screen painting.

Moon and River, Feb 1978, pencil, charcoal and paint on paper, 211.5 x 620.5 cm

The drawing of the moon seen through a window is an example of contrasting a linear element, the window frame, with the trees and moon. The symmetrical composition and use of colour creates a spiritual symbolism.

Moon before eclipse,12 – 1am, July 6 1982, pastel and pencil on paper, 22.8 x 28.6 cm


Moon in Black Sky, Lunar Eclipse 5, Aug 16,1989, pencil and acrylic on paper, 20.6 x 30.3 cm

Detail, Moon and River

Detail, Moon and River



Journey, Dec 31, 1977, acrylic on canvas, 151.7 x 122.5 cm

Journey, Dec 31, 1977, acrylic on canvas, 151.7 x 122.5 cm

Detail Journey 1977

Detail Journey 1977

The Watercourse Way - Stations Of The Cross, 1979, acrylic on 6 canvas panels, 152.4 x 548.6 cm

The Watercourse Way – Stations Of The Cross, 1979, acrylic on 6 canvas panels, 152.4 x 548.6 cm

Diptych, Study for Landscape with Moon, Jan 28, 1982, pencil and pastel on paper, 21.5 x 27.9 cm

Diptych, Study for Landscape with Moon, Jan 28, 1982, pencil and pastel on paper, 21.5 x 27.9 cm

Diptych, Study for Landscape with Moon (2 left hand panels) , Jan 28, 1982, pencil and pastel on paper, 21.5 x 27.9 cm

Diptych, Study for Landscape with Moon (2 left hand panels) , Jan 28, 1982, pencil and pastel on paper, 21.5 x 27.9 cm

Diptych, Study for Landscape with Moon , Jan 28, 1982, pencil and pastel on paper (2 right hand panels), 21.5 x 27.9 cm

Diptych, Study for Landscape with Moon , Jan 28, 1982, pencil and pastel on paper (2 right hand panels), 21.5 x 27.9 cm

Red moon, Lunar Eclipse 2, Aug 16, 1989. acrylic on paper,22.6 x 30.3 cm

Red moon, Lunar Eclipse 2, Aug 16, 1989. acrylic on paper,22.6 x 30.3 cm

Moon in dark night sky, Lunar eclipse, Aug 16, 1989, acrylic on paper, 22.7 x 30.2 cm

Moon in dark night sky, Lunar Eclipse 1, Aug 16, 1989, acrylic on paper, 22.7 x 30.2 cm

The moon viewd by Al Battani, 888AD, Feb 2, 2010, Pencil on paper, 75 x 75 cm

The moon viewd by Al Battani, 888AD, Feb 2, 2010, pencil on paper, 75 x 75 cm

Moon and River

Moon and River, 2011, pencil on paper,

Detail of Moon

Detail of Moon

Detail, River

Detail, River

Winter Moon and House for Laila, Jan 3, 2013, 20.3 x 27.3 cm (image)

Winter Moon and House for Laila, Jan 3, 2013, 20.3 x 27.3 cm (image)

Moon and Cottage, Red Bay, for Emily, Jan 12, 2013, 19.9 x 27.4 cm (image)

Moon and Cottage, Red Bay, for Emily, Jan 12, 2013, 19.9 x 27.4 cm (image)

Moon over Blackfriars Bridge, March 1, 2016, graphite on paper, 21.5 x 27.9 cm

Moon over Blackfriars Bridge, March 1, 2016, graphite on paper, 21.5 x 27.9 cm

Counting Prayers at the Table , Feb 2, 2017, paper relief and acrylic on masonite, 61 x 61 cm

Counting Prayers at the Table , Feb 2, 2017, paper relief and acrylic on masonite, 61 x 61 cm

The Miracle, Pastel on board, July 10, 2017, 42 x 76 cm

The Miracle, Pastel on board, July 10, 2017, 42 x 76 cm

Detail, The Miracle

Detail, The Miracle

Counting prayers,i the garden, after midnight, Aug 9, 2017, pencil on paper, 21.5 cm x 28 cm

Counting prayers,i the garden, after midnight, Aug 9, 2017, pencil on paper, 21.5 cm x 28 cm

Counting prayers in the garden after midnight, Dec 21, 2017, pastel, graphite, acrylic paint and collage on paper, 102.2 x 66 cm

Counting prayers in the garden after midnight, Dec 21, 2017, pastel, graphite, acrylic paint and collage on paper, 102.2 x 66 cm

Detail, Counting prayers

Detail, Counting prayers

Detail, Counting prayers...

Detail, Counting prayers

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Moon over Kaaba

Moon Over Kaaba, July 16, 2011, pencil on paper 24.9 x 32.4

Black Moon over Kaaba, 2017, pencil on paper, 22.8 x 30.4 cm

Black Moon over Kaaba, 2017, pencil on paper, 22.8 x 30.4 cm

The image of the Moon, the celestial satellite is contrasted with the Earthly Kaaba, the cubic House of Allah (God) which is known as the first place of worship built by the prophet Adam and later reconstruced by the prophet Abraham and his son Ishmael. The halo lines surrounding the Kaaba represent the pilgrims in the circumambulation or tawaf.


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The Ninety Nine Signs


The drawing below shows the Ninety Nine Signs in gold paint on a background with incised markings and coloured pencil utilizing the texture of the paper surface. This is a study for a painting and continues the series based on the 99 Names of Allah. Each symbol represents one of the signs or qualities of Allah.

The Ninety Nine Signs of Allah, drawing

The drawing is organized on a grid composition.

Detail of the Ninety Nine Signs

This image is of the painting at an early stage showing the Ninety Nine Signs. The detail is a closeup showing some of the signs in relief  with underpainting texture on the gessoed panel prior to the final painting.

The Ninety Nine Signs, 2011,  acrylic and gold paint on plywood, 122 x 150 cm
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The Ninety Nine Names 3


 This drawing is another example of the Ninety Nine Names of Allah
using the calligraphic nail symbol and the enscribed names. Here the
nail symbols all point to the centre which represents the Qabaa in Mecca,
the first House of God built by Adam and restored by Abraham.
The direction, or Qibla, towards Mecca is the orientation all Muslims face
when praying. This established practise creates a universal Unity which is
also manifested in the annual pilgrimage or Hajj to Mecca.
The nail shape is similar to the first letter of the Arabic alphabet, the alif which is also a single vertical shape. The various nail symbols change shape to also represent the letters of the enscribed words. The placement of the nail shapes creates a movement across the sheet of paper, the central radiating one and the dance of each nail shape.

The Ninety Nine Names, 2011, pencil on paper, 76.8 x 94 cm


A map with the Ninety Nine Signs, Oct 31, 2017, paper relief cast, pencil, marker, acrylic paint, 141.6 x 84.4 cm

A map with the Ninety Nine Signs, Oct 31, 2017, paper relief cast, pencil, marker, acrylic paint, 141.6 x 84.4 cm



Relief paper cast, detail

Relief paper cast, detail

The 99 Signs web, Jan 1, 2018, pencil and marker on paper, 102.2 x 66.7 cm

The 99 Signs web, Jan 1, 2018, pencil and marker on paper, 102.2 x 66.7 cm

Detail, The 99 signs web

Detail, The 99 signs web

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The Ninety Nine Names 2

This drawing is another image which explores the use of symbols to represent the traditional names of Allah or God. The image below right shows a detail of the drawing which is divided into 99 squares with a name in each square. A stylus was used to enscribe each name and also add a texture to the paper surface. Pencil was drawn over the paper surface to reveal the names and texture. The image of a bent nail, each one a different shape, has the appearance of calligraphy and is used as a symbol for each name. The nail symbols have a shifting orientation to the four cardinal directions which represents what one would do if facing Mecca to pray in different parts of the world.


The names when reflected upon reveal  the attributes associated with each name. The first name is Allah, the One who is Eternal which is placed in the centre. The next name is The Merciful, Al Rahman in Arabic which is in the top left corner. The transliteration of Arabic into English is used for each name. The names continue left to right and down the length of the drawing. The names are purposely not visually dominant allowing the viewer to search and discover the name and its’attributes. Traditionally one would commit the names to memory and recite the names as a spiritual practice and devotion. A treatise of the ninety nine names can be seen in a text, Al-Ghazali, The Ninety-nine Beautiful Names of God. 

The Ninety Nine Names, 2011, pencil on paper,  76.5 x 94 cm

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Studio Light

Pencil drawing of painting in studio

The environment of the studio can be visually engaging as one works on various ideas. Considering the quality of light as it enters the work space, at different times of the day and season to season, can be a factor in the choice of colours and their value as work progresses on an art work.  The image shown left is an earlier drawing of a studio view which shows the interplay of the painted view of a still life on an easel in the foreground, see image below right, and another simple still life in the background. The picture plane is divided by dominant diagonals, the use of different implied textures and the suggestion of a strong light.

Homemade Lunch, Feb 28, 1990, oil painting, 61 x 61 cm










The drawing below is another approach to the still life with the environment of the studio and the exterior also being considered. The large north facing windows with stain glass panels, weather effects and light offer visual information to work with. The final image contrasts the inside with the outside but also have elements of opacity and transparency, movement as opposed to stillness and contrasts of textures and shapes.

Studio Light, Mar 3, 2011, pencil drawing, 21.5 x 27.9 cm

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